det(A·B) = det(A) · det(B), where A and B are square matrices of
the same size.
If B is a square matrix and E is an elementary matrix of the same
size, then det(EB) = det(E) · det(B)
If B = Ek ·Ek-1 ... E2 · E1 · A ,then
det(B) = det (Ek Ek-1 ... E2 E1 A)
= det(Ek) det (Ek-1) ... det(E2) det(E1) det(A)
A square matrix A is invertible if and only if det(A) ≠ 0
正向證明(矩陣可逆則其行列式不為0) >let R be the RREF of A,
then by throrem, there exist elementary matrices E1,E2,...,Ek such that
> >R = Ek Ek-1 ... E2 E1 A > >∵A is invertible >
>R = I = Ek Ek-1 ... E2 E1 A >
>det(I) = det(Ek Ek-1 ... E2 E1 A ) > >1 = det(Ek) det(Ek-1)
... det(E2) det(E1) det(A) > >∴ det(A) ≠ 0
If A is an n-by-n matrix and cij is the cofactor of aij, then the
matrix [c11 c12 ... c1n, c21 c22 ... c2n, ... , cn1 cn2... cnn] is
called the matrix of cofactor from A. The transpose of this matrix is
called the adjoint of A, is denoted by adj(A).
If AX = b is a system of n linear equations in n knowns such that
det(A) ≠ 0, then the system has a unique solution.
The solution is x1 = det(A1) / det(A), x2 = det(A2) / det(A), ..., xn
= det(An) / det(A), where Aj is the matrix obtained by replacing the
entries in the jth column of A by the entries in the matrix(column
vector) b = [b1 , b2,..., bn].
∵ det(A) ≠ 0 => A is invertible
∴ AX = b => A^-1· A · X = A^-1 · b => I · X = A^-1 · b => X
= A^-1 · b => x = (adj(A) / det(A)) ·b =