Let be a n-by-n matrix. A
scalar is called an
eigenvalue of if there exist a
nonzero vector such that
The vector is called an
eigenvector of corresponding to
the eigenvalue
If is an n-by-n matrix, then
is an eigenvalue of if and only if
is an eigenvalue of
such that
has nontrivial solutions
is not invertible
Def of eigenspace(所有eigenvector和0向量組成的向量空間):
let be the set of zero
vector and all eigenvectors of an n-by-n matrix corresponding the eigenvalue .
The eigenspace of an n-by-n matrix corresponding to the eigenvalue i.e. is a subspace of R^n.
Let and
is a scalar
is a
subspace of
Def of Matrix similarity:
If and are square matrices of the same size,
then we say that is simliar to
if there exist an invertible
matrix such that
Similar matrices have many properties in common. If and are simliar matrices, then they have
the same determinant and eigenvalues.
In general, only property that is shared by all similar matrices
is called a similariry invariant or is said to be invariant under
Def of diagonalizable square matrix:
A square matrix is said to be
diagonalizable if there exist an invertible matrix such that is diagonal. In this case,
the invertible matrix is said to
be diagonalize .
If is an n-by-n matrix then
is diagonalizable if and only if
has n linearly independent
is diagonalizable
has n
linearily independent eigenvectors, say,
where are
scalars and need not all distinct.
Procedure for diagonalization on n-by-n matrix A:
Find all eigenvelues of
Find all eigenvectors X of
Number of independent eigenvectors of or No: is not diagonalizable. Yes: let be the linearly independent eigenvectors.
then diagonalizes such that
Find power of a matrix :
A square matrix is singular if
and only if is an
eigenvalue of A.